Paris, Bibliothèque nationale lat. 9561

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  1. Text: Gregorius, Regula pastoralis
  2. Schriftheimat: Südengland ("or by an English scribe on the Continent, perhaps at Saint-Bertin, where the manuscript was found in the fourteenth century", aber: "French origin less likely due to OE glosses. ")
  3. Entstehungszeit: sec. viii
  4. Provenienz: St. Bertin (St. Omer, F)


  • 77 ae. Griffelglossen zu Gregorius, Regula pastoralis
  • Erneute Durchsicht durch A. Nievergelt und H. Gneuss (2016):
    • "41 new glosses were found"
    • "24 glosses not read until then were deciphered"
    • "17 readings could be corrected"
    • "19 further illegible glosses were noted"
    • => insg. 136 als ae. identifizierte Glossen, 23 noch nicht entschlüsselt
    • vgl. Aufsatz Nievergelt (Datei:Nievergelt The Old English Dry-Point Glosses.pdf), S. 168f.


  • CLA (5 [1950]: 590)
  • Meritt (1957: 65 – 66)
  • Morrison (1987